Principle, Oncology, hepatitis C, peptide, metastases, recovery, healing, drug, virus

Principle, Oncology, hepatitis C, peptide, metastases, recovery, healing, drug, virus

In this article, we describe in General terms the mechanism by which treatment with this drug occurs. In any mammalian body there is a group of cells that is responsible for protecting the body from infection.This group of cells is called the immune (protective) system, and its functioning - immunity (protection). Protection is carried out in three stages. And to understand the process, the time of its full completion will take 100%. At the first stage - "recognition" - the immune system spends about 3% of the time of its work. Subsequent time takes to prepare for" rejection "("destruction") it takes about 90% of the time of the immune system. Finally, the implementation phase of rejection (destruction) and excretion of the components destroyed. It takes about 7%. We see that the main time spent by our immune (protective) system to protect the body goes to the stage of preparation for "rejection" (destruction).  

In the case of an infectious process (human immunodeficiency virus - HIV and hepatitis viruses-HEPATITIS) viruses, penetrating into sensitive cells, change them, and in the case of tumor process (CANCER) mutation occurs, which also changes the cells. You can liken the events of the recruitment of a spy by a foreign agent. As in our daily lives, the immune system can not recognize the changed cells for a long time and the process is delayed up to 99% of the time, often before the destruction (dying) of the body. A spy who deals such damage is the most valuable (from the perspective of a foreign agent). With the prolonged nature of the disease (spy action), the number of "foreign" cells become so large that their destruction causes the so-called lysis syndrome (severe complications of the whole body or for the state), and the consequences require additional therapeutic procedures (restoration and renewal of state structures).                                                                                                          At the moment, drugs that replace the destructive effects of the immune system are expensive and are not available to the General public. So you can help my project right now. To do this, you need to register on the site and provide material support, and for those who will provide material assistance equivalent to 0.2 MTC / 8db67b79-1da2-4055-9de1-8e3156393dd8/, can expect a 50% discount on the full course. As soon as we are able to raise the necessary amount to promote this project, the proposal will be frozen. We expect to provide a discount.  The rest of the money will be transferred to our specialists, who are grateful in advance

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