Domestic animals

Domestic animals

Many of us have pets and they are also subject to numerous diseases. In this case we are talking about  cancer. This method also may be used here, however, the concentration of the drug depends on the animal weight, so one needs the consultation. See HUMAN Section.

Our lesser friends

Our lesser friends

Friends, many of us live at home with our smaller brothers and they also need drugs that replace the protective immune function of the body. Of course, animals do not get sick as often as we think, bu..

What are the consequences for the body after a course of chemotherapy

What are the consequences for the body after a course of chemotherapy

              When the question arises about chemotherapy, patients are most often afraid of complications and wonder what consequences it will bring. In order to di..

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In this article, we describe in General terms the mechanism by which treatment with this drug occurs. In any mammalian body there is a group of cells that is responsible for protecting the body from i..